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Is there a Learning Crisis in Telangana State?


K. Anji Reddy


In recent years one of the most debated issues related to the quality of education. There would not have been much concern had the quality of education is satisfactory. Not only it is far away from satisfactory but it is negatively afflicting the society and economy. Therefore, the debate on quality of education, referred to as the debate on learning crisis1 not confined to a particular country or a particular level of education but taken at a global level and for all levels and types of education (Hanushek and Woessmann, 2012).

The global level learning deficits are assessed through Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) test which tests the learning levels of 15 year old conducted by OECD on a regular basis. According to PISA test scores achieved by students of participant countries are ranked. As per ranking the average score in mathematics, science and reading is highest for Singapore followed by Hong Kong, Japan and Macau. In addition to these countries Canada is only country where four out of five 15 year old children have mastered the OECD’s base line level of proficiency in mathematics, science and reading. Of the 70 countries which participated in the test during 2015-16 all the participating countries of South East Asia have a better record even compared to some of the developed countries. The score of USA, the country known for global destination for higher education, is below the OECD average. In several countries the 75th PISA test takers performed below the 25th percentile of the OECD average. When compared to South East Asian countries the performance is poor in South and South West Asian Countries.



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Is there a Learning Crisis in Telangana State?. K. Anji Reddy. 2022. IJIRCT, Volume 8, Issue 3. Pages 1-8.

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