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IoT Based Blind Navigation System


Somase Pooja, Somase Aarti, Aasude Sakshi, Mikate Nikita, Bhagwat Madhuri, Somase Mayuri


Blind people are liable to get in contact with whatever obstacle which pass before them during walking, subjecting them to risk of injury caused from fall and it could also cause great damage to them. The aim of this project is to develop a smart system with distance measurement system. The system is made up of an ultrasonic sensor as input and earphone as the output. Ultrasonic sensor is used to measure distance from the obstacle. Data is then sent to National Instrument myRIO-1900 controller for processing which later produce beeping sound as the output. The process was graphically programmed using LabVIEW with FPGA as the intended target. Performance of the system has been ascertained through several verification tests. In general, the device will alert blind people of the obstacles through the audio output through which they can walk safely without any problem.


Navigation, IoT, Internet of Things


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IoT Based Blind Navigation System. Somase Pooja, Somase Aarti, Aasude Sakshi, Mikate Nikita, Bhagwat Madhuri, Somase Mayuri. 2022. IJIRCT, Volume 8, Issue 3. Pages 18-21.

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