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Changes in behaviour of students at secondary level schools in India


Venkataraman S, Andal S


This review of research articles presents a summary of the changes in the behaviour of students at secondary level schools in India. The studies examined in this review found that students’ behaviour at secondary level schools in India has become increasingly negative, including increased aggression and violence, increased cheating and dishonesty, and decreased respect for authority. The review also suggests that while technology has been found to have a positive impact on student learning, it has also been associated with an increase in cyberbullying and cybercrime. Factors such as poverty, peer pressure, lack of parental guidance, and inadequate school resources have been identified as contributing to the changes in student behaviour. The review found that interventions such as parent-teacher meetings, school counselling, extracurricular activities, and the implementation of school policies can help to reduce the negative behaviour observed in secondary level schools in India.


Changes in behaviour, Students, Secondary level schools


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Changes in behaviour of students at secondary level schools in India. Venkataraman S, Andal S. 2021. IJIRCT, Volume 7, Issue 6. Pages 6-9.

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