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Impacts of Social Media on Consumer Decision Making Process


M Geetha Bai, G Deepika


The advent of social media has created a new landscape which lays out a new grid of personal connections. Businesses see enormous opportunities and are eager to tap into the trend, whereas consumers are put back to the center in the business world because of social media. There are many studies explaining reasons to tap into social media and to help companies to gain a better position in the transition; yet a few intends to study from the perspective of consumers. Oftentimes, consumers feel differently from what marketers think, for instance what “brand engagement” via social media looks like to consumers may not be quite what marketers think (Sniderman, 2012).

The objective of the research is to explain why, when, and how social media has impacted on consumer decision process. The theoretical framework rests on literature of consumer decision making process, social media, as well as previous studies relating to social media marketing. This research gives explanation on how individuals are attending, processing, and selecting the information on social media before a purchase.


Social Media, Brand Engagement, Decision Making Process


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Impacts of Social Media on Consumer Decision Making Process. M Geetha Bai, G Deepika. 2021. IJIRCT, Volume 7, Issue 1. Pages 1-5.

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