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Overcoming All Odds, Vivekananda Succeeds


Dr. Rachana Srivastava


In my article, I have tried to focus on the things that the youth of India can learn from Swami Vivekananda. They are the most confused and misled lot. They get baffled and irritated the moment a tricky situation crops up, whether it is related to studies or career building or relation building, they often find themselves in a fishy situation. There are two things which I believe confuses them the most. One is the eagerness to succeed without any speed breakers and the other is the real meaning of religion. No doubt, their family, peer group, friends, teachers and the school can play a huge role in motivating and directing young boys and girls on the right path but the lessons which they can learn from the life of Swami Vivekananda is incomparable. Each and every idea, belief, concept and style of Swami Vivekananda is in itself a lesson from which we can learn something.


Mind, Yoga, Meditation, Vedas, World Parliament of Religions, Vivekananda


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Overcoming All Odds, Vivekananda Succeeds. Dr. Rachana Srivastava. 2017. IJIRCT, Volume 3, Issue 6. Pages 64-68.

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