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Big Data Security Using Hybrid Cloud


Gaurav Dipak Khandar, Manas Kulkarni, Gaurav Shahane, Shubham Nayab, V.P. Rao


Nowadays large amount of data is produced by many sources. The amount of data is being produced directly proportional with the rapid development of electronic technology and communication, which makes it hard to cost effectively manage and store these big data. Cloud computing, which is a new business model, is considered as one of most attractive solutions for big data, and provides the benefits of low cost through sharing of computing and storage resources. However, the increasing concerns of the privacy of data which is stored in public cloud have slowed down the adoption of cloud computing for big data because very sensitive information may be contained among the big data or the data owner themselves do not want any other people to watch and observe their data. Since the data volume is huge and mobile devices are widely used, the traditional cryptographic methods are not suitable for big data. In this project work we are implementing the modified approach for the image and text encryption. Also in this work we proposed an approach for the efficient decryption technique by keeping the existing shuffling technique. With the image encryption technique we have used encryption for text data storage. In this project we are going to use hybrid cloud mechanism to store the data. We store small amount of information about data on the private cloud as a reference and other data is store on the public cloud.


Cloud Computing, Hybrid Cloud


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Big Data Security Using Hybrid Cloud. Gaurav Dipak Khandar, Manas Kulkarni, Gaurav Shahane, Shubham Nayab, V.P. Rao. 2016. IJIRCT, Volume 1, Issue 6. Pages 533-535.

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