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Shallow Footing Bearing Capacity on Compacted Mixtures of Excavated Collapse Soil with Granule Soil laying on Egyptian Collapsible Soil


Hisham H. Abdelmohsen, Naema A. Ali


In general, collapsible soils are located in aired and semi-arid regions around the world. At or near saturation, collapsible soils undergo reduction in strength, excessive and sudden settlement due to a rearrangement of their grains and removal of bonding (or cementing) material by water. In Borg El Arab, near Alexandria Egypt, soils exhibit high susceptibility for collapse when saturated. In this paper, partial replacement compacted mixtures of excavated collapse soil with medium sand or fine crushed stone are used to limit the risk against sudden settlement and improve the bearing capacity when exposed to inundation. Experimental program including dry and wet tests was developed to explore the effect of compacted partial replacement mixtures on reduction of footing settlement and improve of the wet strength of collapsible soil when inundation occurs. The results show that the behavior of a shallow footing rests on compacted mixtures of excavated collapse soil with fine crushed stone as partial replacement on treated collapsible soil by pre-wetting and compaction reduces the foundation settlement by about 50% and increases bearing capacity by about (75-80)%, and offered high stiffness of replacement near the footing load. Using mixtures of excavated collapse soil with medium sand was found practical, economical to reduces the foundation settlement by 40%, and increases bearing capacity by about (60-65)%. Also, the study clear that selection of the best mitigation of collapsible soils depends on estimation of extend and degree of wetting, corresponding collapse strain and collapse settlement


Bearing Capacity, Settlement, Improved Collapsability


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Shallow Footing Bearing Capacity on Compacted Mixtures of Excavated Collapse Soil with Granule Soil laying on Egyptian Collapsible Soil. Hisham H. Abdelmohsen, Naema A. Ali. 2016. IJIRCT, Volume 1, Issue 6. Pages 489-495.

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