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An Effect of Injection Timing on Di Diesel Engine Powered By Algae Methyl Ester


R. Velappan, S. Sivaprakasam, M. Kannan, K. Mohan


The rapid depletion of petroleum fuels and their ever increasing costs have lead to an intensive search for alternate fuels. This study mainly focused on the collection of bio-fuel from algae chlorella vulgaris to run the diesel engine. Using soxhlet chemical extraction method 85% of algae oil obtained and transesterification process was also carried out. The algal oil was converted in to algae methyl ester. The blending was carried out with pure diesel with proportion of 20%. The combustion parameters were also analysed with various advanced in injection timing like 21o, 22 o and 23o bTDC rated crank angles in degree. This research work is focused on the experimental investigation of the effect of injection timings with an advanced in crank angle degrees. The emission reduction was observed for NOx, CO, and smoke with advanced injection timing and also increased Brake Thermal Efficiency (BTE). The optimal injection timing was found in 22 o crank angle degree for the optimal performance and combustion of the engine.


Biodiesel, Algae oil, Diesel, Transesterification, Injection timing


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An Effect of Injection Timing on Di Diesel Engine Powered By Algae Methyl Ester. R. Velappan, S. Sivaprakasam, M. Kannan, K. Mohan. 2016. IJIRCT, Volume 1, Issue 5. Pages 443-446.

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