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Cerium Oxide Nano Particles as Addiditve with Diesel Fuel on DI Diesel Engine


C. Syed Aalam, N. Alagappan


This paper reports on the use of cerium oxide nanoparticles (CEONP) as additive to the diesel fuel and the effects of their operational characteristics like performance and emission of the DI diesel engine. In this study, the tested fuels were prepared by blended cerium oxide nanoparticles into the diesel fuel at the mass fraction of 25ppm and 50ppm with the help of a mechanical homogenizer and an ultrasonicator. Based on the experimental results, HC, CO emissions and smoke noticeably decrease, while NOx emission dramatically increases with increasing the dosing level of cerium oxide nanoparticles. At the full load, the magnitude of HC and CO for the neat diesel was 104 ppm and 51 (% by volume), whereas it was 68 ppm and 20 (% by volume) for the CMNT50 fuel, respectively. The results also showed a significant enhancement in brake thermal efficiency and heat release rate due to the influence of the cerium oxide nanoparticles addition in diesel.


Cerium oxide nanoparticles (CEONP), Diesel Engine, Performance, Emission.


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Cerium Oxide Nano Particles as Addiditve with Diesel Fuel on DI Diesel Engine. C. Syed Aalam, N. Alagappan. 2015. IJIRCT, Volume 1, Issue 2. Pages 215-219.

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