Paper Details
Single Flow Channel PEM Fuel Cell Performance Analysis for Various Cell Voltages
M. Manivannan, R. Manikandan, T. Narayanan, M. Vijayaraj
The design and operating parameters are the key factors which are influenced in fuel cell performance. The creation of water droplets on the gas diffusion layer enriches the resistance for flow reactants stuck between cathode and anode side. So as to resolve the above issues single flow channel PEM fuel cell is selected to look out it’s performance for different cell voltages in the same operating conditions. This numerical analysis shows that the PEM fuel cell with a cell voltage of 0.4V contributes the extreme current density of 0.8698 A/cm2 in the midst of other cell voltages.
Single Flow Channel, PEM Fuel Cell
Single Flow Channel PEM Fuel Cell Performance Analysis for Various Cell Voltages. M. Manivannan, R. Manikandan, T. Narayanan, M. Vijayaraj. 2015. IJIRCT, Volume 1, Issue 2. Pages 193-196.