Paper Details
Image Segmentation of Malayalam Palm Leaf Manuscripts
Geena K.P., G. Raju
A palm leaf manuscript is one of the earliest forms of written media that has enlightened humanity with various subjects such as medicine, astronomy, mathematics and astrology. There are various texts written on palm leaf manuscripts. Therefore, historical handwritten palm leaf manuscripts are important for people who like to learn about historical documents. The main objectives of the paper are segmentation of characters from Malayalam palm leaf document image. Compare the segmentation results of binary and thinned document image. The better result is produced in thinned document image segmentation. Future development will aim at enhancing the performance of the proposed system more data sets will be used to test the prototype in order to verify the fully automated knowledge and information extraction system for ancient Malayalam manuscripts.
Malayalam Palm leaf Documents, image segmentation, Otsu’s algorithm.
Image Segmentation of Malayalam Palm Leaf Manuscripts. Geena K.P., G. Raju. 2015. IJIRCT, Volume 1, Issue 2. Pages 159-162.