Paper Details
Effect of Reactant Gases Velocity Distribution in PEM Fuel Cell for Different Cell Voltages
N. Senniangiri, B. Manoj, M. Makesh, M. Manikandan, C. Gokulprasath
The performance improvement of the PEM fuel cell can be achieved by varying the geometric designs and operating parameters. The water droplet generation and accumulation on the cathode side is drastically reducing the effective penetration of reactant gases from an anode side to the cathode side. In order to improve the performance of PEM fuel cell velocity distribution of reactant gases are taken into account to enhance the effective penetration of the reactant gases between anode and cathode side. In this paper deals with an effect of reactant gases velocity distribution at gas diffusion layer in PEM fuel cell with a single flow channel for different cell voltages. The numerical analysis has carried out to predict the maximum flow velocity distribution for different cell voltages (0.4 0.45, 0.5, 0.55, 0.6, 0.65, 0.70, 0.75, 0.8, 0.85 and 0.9V) respectively. The result shows that the PEM fuel cell with a cell voltage of 0.4V yields the maximum and better reactant gases flow velocity distribution (1.1549 m/s) at gas diffusion layer among the other ten cell voltages.
PEM fuel cell, single flow channel, gas diffusion layer, reactant gases, velocity distribution.
Effect of Reactant Gases Velocity Distribution in PEM Fuel Cell for Different Cell Voltages. N. Senniangiri, B. Manoj, M. Makesh, M. Manikandan, C. Gokulprasath. 2015. IJIRCT, Volume 1, Issue 2. Pages 143-146.