Paper Details
Construction & Analysis of Solar Powered Water Pumping System for Small Scale Application
Praveen Singh Sisodiya, Sajid Qureshi, Mushtaq Patel, Manish Rampuriya
In locations where electricity is less or unavailable, other channels are necessary to pump water for utilization. One alternative is a photovoltaic (PV) pumping system. Merits of PV pumping systems comprise low operating cost, unattended process, low upholding, easy installation, and extended life. These are all vital in remote position where electricity may be unavailable. So far, in the development of this research, the center of attention has been to estimate the available radiation at a particular site on the earth’s surface and then analyzed the characteristics of a photovoltaic generator and a photovoltaic network. The principle of this research is to examine all the essential steps and key components desired to design and build a pump by means of photovoltaic system.
Solar water pumping, PV module, structure, wiring, storage tank, etc.
Construction & Analysis of Solar Powered Water Pumping System for Small Scale Application. Praveen Singh Sisodiya, Sajid Qureshi, Mushtaq Patel, Manish Rampuriya. 2015. IJIRCT, Volume 1, Issue 1. Pages 105-110.