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Exploring The Antioxidant Activity of Homoeopathic Medicine Ornithogalum umbellatum Q and 30C by Nitric oxide Radical Scavenging Assay


Yuvaneshwaran A R, Sugathan N V, Rayushe J, Arjun M, Teena sebastian


Background: Antioxidants are substances that scavenge free radicals; they are frequently utilised in health protection and frequently recommended in healthcare facilities. In the homoeopathic medical system, mother tinctures and diluted homoepathic medicines are recommended. Mother tincture and potency of therapeutic herbs may be used to treat a variety of acute and chronic illnesses.
Objectives: The present study was accompanied to determine the antioxidant activity of homeopathic mother tincture of plant origin and its diluted homeopathic medicine i.e. ornithiogallum umbellatum Q and 30C in comparison with ascorbic acid.
Methods: The antioxidant activity was evaluated by Nitric oxide radical scavenging activity . Ascorbic acid was taken as a standard in Nitric oxide radical scavenging activity. Results were expressed as percentage of antioxidant activity (%AA). The concentration of Homoeopathic mother tincture and potency standard is recorded at 100 u g/ ml, 200 ug/ml and 300 ug/ml along with IC 50 value. Lower the IC50 value is better the results
Results: Thus the results of antioxidant activity in homoeopathic medicine ornithogallum umbellatum shows there is an antioxidant property present in both mother tincture and its diluted medicine (potency). Hence dilution has higher antioixidant property in nitric oxide scavencing activity.


Antioxidants , Homeopathic Mother tincture, Homoeopathic diluted medicine, Free radicals ,Ornithogalum umbellatum


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Exploring The Antioxidant Activity of Homoeopathic Medicine Ornithogalum umbellatum Q and 30C by Nitric oxide Radical Scavenging Assay. Yuvaneshwaran A R, Sugathan N V, Rayushe J, Arjun M, Teena sebastian. 2025. IJIRCT, Volume 11, Issue 1. Pages 1-5.

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