Paper Details
Synthesis Methods and Applications of LaCrO3 Nanoparticles: A Short Review
Somnath Bhika Handge, Uglal Pandit Shinde, Dharma Kisan Halwar
In the twenty-first century, nanotechnology emerged as a scientific accomplishment. This field encompasses multiple disciplines and deals with the synthesis, dealing with, and use of materials smaller than 100 nm. Numerous industries, including the environment, food production, agriculture, biotechnology, healthcare, and pharmaceuticals, have substantial uses for nanoparticles. Lanthanum chromite (LaCrO3) nanoparticles are of significant interest due to their unique properties and potential applications in various fields. LaCrO3 nanoparticles are synthesized via various methods like sol-gel, hydrothermal, chemical, physical and co-precipitation, exhibiting interesting optical, electronic and catalytic properties that enable applications in energy storage, catalysis and environmental remediation. Ongoing research aims to further optimize the synthesis and performance of these nanoparticles. The present research work is focus on the elaborate various synthesis methods and applications of LaCrO3 nanoparticles in brief.
Nanotechnology, Lanthanum Chromite, Synthesis, Agriculture, Hydrothermal
Synthesis Methods and Applications of LaCrO3 Nanoparticles: A Short Review. Somnath Bhika Handge, Uglal Pandit Shinde, Dharma Kisan Halwar. 2024. IJIRCT, Volume 10, Issue 6. Pages 1-12.