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Floristic Composition and Community Study of Ratan Nagar beed area, Churu District, Rajasthan, India


Mukesh Kumar Meena, Naveen Kumar, JB Khan


This study presents a comprehensive analysis of the floristic composition and community structure in the Ratan Nagar beed area of the Churu District, Rajasthan, India. Using the quadrat method, this research meticulously investigates the diversity and ecological parameters of plant species across different seasons—rainy, winter, and summer. The study reveals significant seasonal variations in species dominance, density, frequency, and importance values, illustrating the dynamic and resilient nature of the plant communities in this semi-arid region. During the rainy season, species such as Dactylocteniumaegyptium and Panicum turgidum dominate the herbaceous layer, while Aerva persica and Acacia senegal are prominent in the shrub and tree layers, respectively. In winter, key species include Chenopodium album and Tephrosia purpurea in the herbaceous community, Clerodendrumphlomidis and Crotalaria burhia in the shrub community, and Acacia senegal and Prosopis cineraria in the tree community. The summer season sees shifts with Tephrosia purpurea, Calotropis procera, and Prosopis juliflora becoming significant in the herbaceous, shrub, and tree communities, respectively. The study provides valuable insights into the ecological importance and distribution patterns of various species, emphasizing their roles in maintaining the ecological balance and diversity in this semi-arid landscape.


Floristic Composition, Community Structure, Seasonal Variation, Semi-Arid Region, Ecological Parameters


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Floristic Composition and Community Study of Ratan Nagar beed area, Churu District, Rajasthan, India. Mukesh Kumar Meena, Naveen Kumar, JB Khan. 2024. IJIRCT, Volume 10, Issue 6. Pages 1-22.

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