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Fostering Leadership Development through Experiential Learning in Community Service Programs


Kosalee Thameera Galkaduwa


The purpose of this paper is to understand the contribution of the concept, known as experiential learning, in the process of leadership development within community service environments. It integrates theoretical models, including Kolb’s Experiential Learning Theory and Mezirow’s Transformative Learning, with empirical evidence to evaluate the development of key leadership competencies: interpersonal communication, collaboration and problem-solving. This research shows that while well-structured service-learning improves leadership development in an individual, it also benefits society. Both corporate and nonprofit examples show that these programs build leaders who are flexible and present orientation to deal with existing issues. However, several challenges are identified including dependency frameworks in charity-based service, and therefore, the study provides solutions for more effective, efficient and sustainable program designs. This research focuses on the significance of transforming the university to promote transformational learning strategies as well as leadership competencies that are on par with community and industrial practices.


Experiential Learning, Leadership Development, Service-Learning, Communication, Teamwork, Decision-Making, Critical Service-Learning


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Fostering Leadership Development through Experiential Learning in Community Service Programs. Kosalee Thameera Galkaduwa. 2020. IJIRCT, Volume 6, Issue 2. Pages 1-6.

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