Paper Details
Herbs Used in Herbal Cough Syrup
Mr. Vijay K. Kothare, Prof. Neha S. Guard, Dr. Amol N. Khedkhar, Amol S. Choughule, Pravin R. Gaikwad
An ancient time peoples use various plant, roots, and leaves for treatment various disease. Herbal cough syrup is an Ayurveda medicine which is useful in many chronic health problem such as cough, cold, fever, respiratory infection and disorders among human. As a combination of herbs, it is safe, can be made at home, has a low production cost, and can be easily available in any area. Herbal syrup including natural herbs, like tulsi, clove, fennel, turmeric and adulsa which have various action and effect on reducing acute or chronic cough and cold and act as cough suppressant having expectorant and anti-tussive property. In this research, I conclude about herbal cough syrup that, herbal cough syrups is a safest herbal medicine which is use for treatment of cough and cold.[1,2]
Antitussives, Extraction, Anti-microbial activity, Mucolytics, Demulcent
Herbs Used in Herbal Cough Syrup. Mr. Vijay K. Kothare, Prof. Neha S. Guard, Dr. Amol N. Khedkhar, Amol S. Choughule, Pravin R. Gaikwad. 2024. IJIRCT, Volume 10, Issue 6. Pages 1-11.