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Infrastructure Automation using Ansible and YAML for IT Environment Build in the Health Insurance Industry




The health insurance industry faces complex and dynamic IT environments that demand efficiency, security, and scalability. Infrastructure automation plays a crucial role in enabling health insurance providers to streamline IT operations, maintain compliance, and quickly respond to evolving business needs. This research paper explores the role of Ansible and YAML in automating IT infrastructure builds in the health insurance industry, with a focus on provisioning, configuration management, and orchestration. We discuss the challenges and benefits of automation in a highly regulated sector and provide a detailed examination of how Ansible and YAML can be leveraged to build, maintain, and scale IT environments efficiently while ensuring compliance and security.

The health insurance industry is a growing business, and the IT infrastructure needed to accommodate the increasing needs of the market demands is highly scalable. Automation is an important part of this sector since it enables organizations to automate their processes, eliminate manual errors, and get more efficient work. The best infrastructure automation tool is Ansible – an open-source configuration management and deployment tool which applies the readability and adaptability of YAML to IT environment creation and management.

In this study, we’ll discuss the use cases and pros and cons of Ansible and YAML for infrastructure automation in health insurance by reviewing the key features, implementation methods, and case studies to illustrate how the technology has been used to great effect.


AI, Infrastructure Automation, YAML, Health Insurance, Ansible, Configuration Management


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Infrastructure Automation using Ansible and YAML for IT Environment Build in the Health Insurance Industry. GAURAV KASHYAP. 2024. IJIRCT, Volume 10, Issue 6. Pages 1-10.

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