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Various Drugs Used In Oral Disintegration Tablet Formulation


Ms. Kiran Mahadeo Salunke, Prof. Ms. Sujata Umakant Veer, Prof. Mr. Yogesh Ankush Narute, Ms. Pratiksha Babusha Pawar, Prof. Dr. Amol Navnath Khedkar


Oral drug administration is more widely accepted because it is used to provide between 50 and 60 percent of medications. The solid dosage forms are commonly utilized since they are simple to administer, precise in their dosage forms, beneficial for self-medication, and preventive of discomfort, and last but not least, the excellent level of patient adherence. The capsules and tablets are the most widely used solid dose form administered orally. Aside from ingesting it does not possess any noteworthy drawbacks. Water plays a crucial function in this swallowing process. Even following this, some people had difficulty swallowing. In order to prevent these issues, mouth dissolving tablets were developed. They have the benefit of not requiring water and don't require swallowing because they dissolve or disintegrate in saliva. In light of the design it began to behave in two ways: first, some tablets disintegrated quickly, taking just a few moments in saliva. Another kind of tablet is known as a "first disintegration tablet" since it contains some substances that slowed down the tablet's rate of breakdown. Review attention was drawn to the concise talk about mouth dissolving tablets and the most recent versions available.


Mouth dissolving tablets, solid dosage form, disintegration rate, fast dissolving tablets, Superdisintegrants


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Various Drugs Used In Oral Disintegration Tablet Formulation. Ms. Kiran Mahadeo Salunke, Prof. Ms. Sujata Umakant Veer, Prof. Mr. Yogesh Ankush Narute, Ms. Pratiksha Babusha Pawar, Prof. Dr. Amol Navnath Khedkar. 2024. IJIRCT, Volume 10, Issue 6. Pages 1-19.

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