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The Significance of Yoga in the Youth Life for Developed India: A Descriptive Study


Kishor S. Thakre


Yoga is extensively practiced to enhance physical, psychological, and spiritual well-being. Numerous studies have documented its efficacy in both healthy individuals and those experiencing illness or pain. This research proposes an analogy between the effects of yoga practice on these dimensions of well-being and its potential influence on student behavior.
Physically, yoga activates several systems within the body, including the musculoskeletal, cardiopulmonary, autonomic nervous, and endocrine systems. Psychologically, yoga offers benefits such as improved coping skills, increased self-efficacy, and enhanced mood. Spiritually, within a Western medical framework, yoga fosters acceptance and mindful awareness. This study aims to explore how these benefits translate into behavioral changes in students, potentially offering a holistic approach to improving their overall well-being and academic performance.


Yoga, Ayurveda, India, Stress, Well-being, youth, trauma, trauma-informed yoga.


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The Significance of Yoga in the Youth Life for Developed India: A Descriptive Study. Kishor S. Thakre. 2024. IJIRCT, Volume 10, Issue 4. Pages 1-4.

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