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Relative FTIR and XRD study on Blend of Conducting polymer via diverse oxidants
Nitin Kumar, Raj Kumar Khandelwal
The procedure of oxidative polymerization of chemical nature was used with various oxidants in order to synthesize polypyrrole. Pyrrole monomer (each time being taken in a different mole). In the beaker, more oxidizing agent and surfactant were added. The different concentrations of the monomer utilized, as well as the surfactant and oxidizing agent concentrations such FeCl3, (NH)4S2O8, and C12H25SO4Na, are used. Every synthesized polymer will undergo comparative examination by FTIR.
Conductive polymer, Polypyrrole (PPy), Chemical oxidative polymerization, Polymerization technique
Relative FTIR and XRD study on Blend of Conducting polymer via diverse oxidants. Nitin Kumar, Raj Kumar Khandelwal. 2020. IJIRCT, Volume 6, Issue 6. Pages 1-6.