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Right To Choose And Homosexuality: An Overview


Dr. Santosh Kumar Tiwari, Ms Sujata Kumari


There has been ardent support for and opposition to the right to choose with relation to same sex marriage for a variety of social, political, and religious reasons. In some states, same-sex civil unions are also recognized, and regulated same-sex marriage is allowed. Legal sanctions against gay partnerships exist in other jurisdictions. In recent years, the highest court has established a vocabulary centred on autonomy, privacy, and constitutional morality. As a result, several rights were recognized, including their right to privacy and the choice to choose a life partner. However, in Navtej Singh Johar v. Union of India, the Supreme Court clearly defined the parameters of the freedom to engage in personal relationships. Numerous social issues are associated with homosexuality. As a result, a wide range of academics, including anthropologists, zoologists, psychologists, and theologians, have shown a significant interest in illuminating the origins of homosexuality. According to research, those who think sexual orientation is a choice have less tolerant attitudes toward gay men and lesbians than people who think it is a natural part of who they are. However, the space cleared by the legal judgement cannot be immediately available of by those affected by it because legally determined space doesn’t necessarily become social space. Article 377 IPC, the LGBTQ community in India has become marginalized. One of their methods has been legal activism. Meanwhile societal attitudes towards homosexuality have changed and it has been decriminalized in most countries.


Homosexual, Gay, Lesbian, LGBTQI, Transgender, Bisexual, Morality, Same-Sex Marriage.


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Right To Choose And Homosexuality: An Overview. Dr. Santosh Kumar Tiwari, Ms Sujata Kumari. 2023. IJIRCT, Volume 9, Issue 3. Pages 1-7.

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