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Examining Relationship Between Knowledge and Behaviour of Seafarers


Anupam Mittal, Dr. Deepchand Dhankher


Within the scope of this study, the knowledge, attitude, and conduct of sailors about safety are investigated. The purpose of this study is to reveal the underlying dynamics that shape maritime practices by conducting a comprehensive examination of the elements that influence safety results at sea. These factors include gender, experience, and education. The purpose of this research is to give significant insights into techniques for establishing a culture of safety, professionalism, and continuous improvement within the marine sector. These insights are provided by investigating the interplay between cognitive understanding, mentality, and behaviors. Consequently, it is anticipated that the characteristics that were discovered in this study would be utilized in maritime institutions in order to add areas that are intended to instill the appropriate attitudes among seafarers. The findings, in the end, contribute to the improvement of safety measures, the reduction of hazards, and the protection of the well-being of seafarers and the maritime environment.


Knowledge, Attitude, Behavior, Seafarer, Safety


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Examining Relationship Between Knowledge and Behaviour of Seafarers. Anupam Mittal, Dr. Deepchand Dhankher. 2024. IJIRCT, Volume 10, Issue 2. Pages 1-7.

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