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Synthesis, Applications and Future perspectives of CdTe and CdS thin films: A Review


Ajay A. Nikam, Ugalal P. Shinde


Thin films refer to layers of material with a thickness ranging from a few nanometers to several micrometers. These films are used in a variety of scientific, technological, and industrial applications due to their unique properties. Thin films are fundamental to a wide array of technologies, and ongoing research continues to expand their applications and enhance their properties for future innovations. CdTe (Cadmium Telluride) and CdS (Cadmium Sulfide) thin films are a type of semiconductor material that is commonly used in various applications such as solar cells, photovoltaic cells, photodetectors, optical sensors, gas sensors, and electronic and optoelectronic devices. Due to the unique properties of CdTe and CdS thin films, researchers are now focusing their work on the synthesis and applications of CdTe and CdS thin films. CdTe is a compound semiconductor composed of cadmium and tellurium elements. While CdS is another compound semiconductor composed of cadmium and sulfur. This review paper encompasses a detailed study of CdTe and CdS thin films. It also provides brief information on pure and doped CdTe and CdS thin film fabrication, synthesis approaches and applications.


Thin films, Cadmium Telluride, Cadmium Sulfide, photovoltaic cells, semiconductors


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Synthesis, Applications and Future perspectives of CdTe and CdS thin films: A Review. Ajay A. Nikam, Ugalal P. Shinde. 2024. IJIRCT, Volume 10, Issue 1. Pages 1-10.

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