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The Efficacy and Safety of Saxenda Injection for Weight Loss


Mohammed Saad Mohammed Alqahtani


Saxenda (liraglutide) is a medication approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for chronic weight control. Saxenda mimics the effects of a naturally occurring hormone called GLP-1, which helps regulate appetite and food intake. Clinical studies have examined the effectiveness and safety of Saxenda for weight loss in obese or overweight people. These studies have shown that Saxenda, when combined with a calorie-restricted diet and increased physical activity, can lead to significant weight loss. In a clinical trial called SCALE Obesity and Prediabetes, which included more than 3,700 participants, Saxenda was compared with placebo (an inactive substance). After 56 weeks of treatment, participants who received Saxenda lost an average of 8.4% of their body weight, while participants who received a placebo lost an average of 2.8%. In addition, people treated with Saxenda were 5% or more likely to gain clinically significant weight compared to the placebo group. It should be noted that individual results may vary and the degree of weight loss achieved with Saxenda may depend on a variety of factors, such as: B. Adherence to the recommended diet and exercise program. From a safety perspective, Saxenda was generally well tolerated in clinical trials.


Saxenda, medication, injection, body loss


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The Efficacy and Safety of Saxenda Injection for Weight Loss. Mohammed Saad Mohammed Alqahtani. 2022. IJIRCT, Volume 8, Issue 1. Pages 1-4.

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