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Crisis of Conscience and Cross-Cultural Conflicts in Kamala Markandaya’s Nectar in a Sieve: A Study


Dr. Mohammad Nazzar, Prof. Dr. Ajeet Singh, Ekta Tyagi


Kamala Markandaya presents the issues related to the conscience and psyche of people, particularly of women, in her novels. She lays bare the inner self of women who face psychological problems which disturb their psyche to the extent that they become neurotic. However her women face the situation boldly because of their introvert nature of being sacrificing. Her women are the champions of moral values. Kamala Markandaya’s tragic vision is based on the belief that women should face the crises and conflicts like strong persons. She portrays the society realistically by highlighting the socio-economic, spiritual, cultural and psychic problems of the people in her novels.


Neurotic, traumatic, distinguished, urges, admiration, acumen


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Crisis of Conscience and Cross-Cultural Conflicts in Kamala Markandaya’s Nectar in a Sieve: A Study. Dr. Mohammad Nazzar, Prof. Dr. Ajeet Singh, Ekta Tyagi. 2023. IJIRCT, Volume 9, Issue 6. Pages 1-6.

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