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The Micro Habitat Ecology and Effects of the Environmental Factors on Culex Mosquitoes


Shobhag Mal Meena


Microhabitat ecology of Culexmosquitoes are affected by several ecological factors for hydrologic variation, precipitation, temperature, availability of proper breeding, blood feeding and humidity. The ecological components are the highly significant abiotic factors influencing the life expectancy of Culex borne disease mosquitoes. Culex borne disease infection has turned into a significant worldwide medical issue and it is flagged that environmental fluctuations will be impact the mosquitoes increasing, which can be permit these mosquitoes to get now pathogens population. Changes in climate will effect on different parts of these components, however human style and the circumstance of the nearby territory stay undeniably more persuasive taking into account the dissemination of Culex mosquito and reasons for Culexdisease under any viewed as ecological situation.


Culex, Breeding, Pathogen, Ecological Factors


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The Micro Habitat Ecology and Effects of the Environmental Factors on Culex Mosquitoes. Shobhag Mal Meena. 2023. IJIRCT, Volume 9, Issue 3. Pages 1-14.

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