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Self Leveling And Self Adaptive Power Chassis In Tractor


Prof. Rajesh Barange, Arvind Mathankar


The absence of self-adaptive and self- levelling power chassis mechanism in tractor leads our project research to develop a better suspension that are present now a day. Our projects aim to develop a suspension based on the combination of Rocker Bogie Suspension Mechanism and see saw mechanism. Rocker Bogie suspensions are advanced mechanism used in Mars where uneven land surface is present, and gravity is less as compared to Earth. Tractors are the widely used heavy duty vehicle on uneven surface like agriculture land. So, Rocker Bogie suspension influenced our project. The motive of this project initiation is to understand mechanical design and to find alternative solutions of higher stability suspension in tractor and analyze the design in software’s like Ansys, CPS, and SOLIDWORKS. The entire system is mounted on V2-HVPC transmission system. The main body of suspension relates to big cylindrical roller bearing, and two driving axles. Those assemblies form an H- type chassis structure where both side of drive axles and the main body are connected to power transmission like chain drive system and shaft drive system. The power transmission is done by the help of chain drive mechanism which is present inside of the side arm of the mechanism this gives the system ability to move freely without breaking the power. This suspension system is a novel mechanism which ensures the full time 4 wheeled drive in a complex road environment while maintaining the main body level always in angle bisector of two driving axle. The topology diagram and power transmission system diagram are all given correspondingly. Moreover, simulation analysis and basic experiments have been carried out to verify the mobility and dynamic performance of the entire system. This result shows that the concept of our system is approved reasonable, and the design and the testing methods are feasible and practical. This testing is done with the help of software.


Rocker bogie suspension, ANSYS, V2-HVPC, transmission, simulation


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Self Leveling And Self Adaptive Power Chassis In Tractor. Prof. Rajesh Barange, Arvind Mathankar. 2023. IJIRCT, Volume 9, Issue 3. Pages 1-9.

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