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The Review of Nanoplastics in Plants: Detection, Analysis, Uptake, Migration and Risk


Dr. S.K. Mishra


Nanoplastics (NPs) have become an emerging pollutant that has attracted much attention. As plants are the major food sources, it will be of great use to investigate NPs in plants. The crack-entry mode is considered to be the main mode for NPs to enter plants roots. The migration of NPs is feasible, which includes the process of internalization into xylem vessels through the apoplast pathway and migration to the aerial part. The development of chromatography, mass spectrometry, and labeling techniques has made it possible to quantify NPs, although this is difficult to apply in practical settings. How to analyze and quantify NPs in complex environmental media is still an urgent problem to be solved. This article provides a comprehensive overview of NPs detection, uptake, migration, current analytical techniques and ecological risks in plants, bringing together scattered information and analyzing current deficiencies, providing recommendations for future research.


Nanoplastics Plants Detection Analysis Uptake Migration Risk


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The Review of Nanoplastics in Plants: Detection, Analysis, Uptake, Migration and Risk. Dr. S.K. Mishra. 2023. IJIRCT, Volume 9, Issue 3. Pages 1-17.

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