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Dimensions of E-Service Quality: A Systematic Literature Review


Jitendra Singh Bidawat


As an increasing number of people continue to shop on the internet, it's more important than ever to comprehend and investigate the service quality that customers demand from e-tailers. This research will contribute by analysing and synthesising findings from various strata of people in industrialised and developing countries, as well as bringing disparate research streams together to create a more consistent and integrated knowledge unit. The theoretical models and dimensions of e-service quality from selected papers inthe literature are reviewed to incorporate the findings and identify the gaps andcontradictions. Because the SERVQUAL model is a good way to measure service quality, this study will look at the impact of SERVQUAL dimensions such as reliability, assurance, tangibles, empathy, and responsiveness on consumers' online buying behaviour in the e-tailers segment. Moreover, it also intends to suggest solutions for service providers in the e-tailers segment to improve their service quality. Also, recommendations for future research aremade.


E-Service Quality, SERVQUAL, E-Tailers


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Dimensions of E-Service Quality: A Systematic Literature Review. Jitendra Singh Bidawat. 2023. IJIRCT, Volume 9, Issue 2. Pages 1-7.

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