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Women Empowerment: The Fighting Hand for Today's Women


Arpit Charan


In India the situation of women has been subject to many great changes and challenges in the last few months. In old-fashioned, accustomed Indian women had received similar status with men. Many reformers and social workers protect women rights due to their special character described in the role of women within the society or their special character. But despite the arguments and support of many reformers in medieval, women’s rights were declined. In modern India, women are at high level positions in administration, corporate region and politics. He worked on high positions like India’s President, India’s Prime Minister, President of Lok Sabha, etc. in the Indian Parliament. Despite these facts, women in modern India have to face many social problems and issues. Unless the capacity is made in these sections, then the power is essentially used by others, not that the clause of those segments. The office of the planet organization diplomat for human rights defines the female empowerment: it provides power, capacity and capacity to women so that they can be ready to determine the direction of their life through improving their lifestyle. In other words, this is a process that does not only understand them about the power of the power but also gives the ability to control the sources of power. Women have the power to decide and run the dictation according to their ambitions, but society and men eat for them. Here is the point of human valve and relationships. They do not require only legal measures for similar rights, but both sympathy and understanding within the repair and labor place. Putting a secretion on published literature shows that the study of the current research topic has been done by many scholars, but with different angles and motivations. It should be noted that the main focus of the above study is very normal and wide. There are hardly some such studies that with the employment and income, the existence of women empowerment and education has been examined. Apart from this, there is no study available, that study the inter-community differences. Therefore, there was thought of doing this research work on women’s empowerment and education.


Empowerment, Relationship, Employment, Participation, Focus, Improvement, Competence.


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Women Empowerment: The Fighting Hand for Today's Women. Arpit Charan. 2020. IJIRCT, Volume 6, Issue 6. Pages 8-10.

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