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Ideas of Mahatma Gandhi on Legislative Activity


Dr. Kripa Shanker Yadav


Democracy can only represent the average, if not less than the average. Therefore, democratic institution to be pure has to at tend to the all - round education of the humblest and the lowliest. It must take in its sweep all superstition and social abuse. In such a society there will be no Christian and non-Christian, there will be no distinction of sex. If best persons are women all ministers will belong to that sex, if Parsis they will be all Parsis. That good day may be far off. What is to be done in the meanwhile? Those who feel that they are left out should have patience and rise by dint of service and merit. Those who happen to be ministers should mete out even jus tice which must include extra effort to raise the neglected and down - trodden. They should make all feel at every step that they are servants, not masters of the nation.


Politics, Council, Voter, Minister


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Ideas of Mahatma Gandhi on Legislative Activity. Dr. Kripa Shanker Yadav. 2018. IJIRCT, Volume 4, Issue 5. Pages 9-11.

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