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Impact Of Organizational Climate In Terms Of Type Of Area And Type Of Administration On Mental Health Among Secondary School Teachers


Rakesh Kumar


Organizational climate plays an important role in any organization. Studies revealed that better organizational climate influence the mental health of teachers in the area of Education. Organization where the efforts of its workers are appreciated and complete freedom is given for expression of ideas is called open organizational climate. However the environment where strict discipline is observed, and strict control is maintained on its worker without giving due importance their actions is termed as closed climate. It has been assessed through many findings that an open organizational climate results in better mental health of its employees in comparison to a closed organizational climate. In order to conduct the study, a sample of 496 school teacher was taken to study the impact of organizational climate on mental health in terms of area and type of administration. It was revealed that organizational climate has an influence on mental health of teachers’.


Organizational climate, mental health, area, type of administration


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Impact Of Organizational Climate In Terms Of Type Of Area And Type Of Administration On Mental Health Among Secondary School Teachers. Rakesh Kumar. 2018. IJIRCT, Volume 4, Issue 1. Pages 51-54.

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