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Supply Chain Management Practices and Their Impact on Firm Performance


Dr. Chandra Prakash Kulshreshtha, Dr. (Smt.) Anita Modi


This research paper investigates the impact of Supply Chain Management (SCM) practices on firm performance. Utilizing a multifaceted approach, including empirical analysis, case studies, comparative analysis, qualitative interviews, and cost-benefit analysis, the study elucidates the critical role of SCM in driving operational efficiency, cost savings, and customer satisfaction. Findings reveal that strategic alignment, technology adoption, collaboration, and risk management are key drivers of SCM effectiveness. Case studies from the automotive and retail industries demonstrate tangible benefits achieved through SCM initiatives. Comparative analysis highlights sector-specific dynamics and best practices, while qualitative interviews provide nuanced insights from industry experts. Cost-benefit analysis underscores the financial implications of SCM investments, while supply chain risk management strategies mitigate disruptions and enhance resilience. The paper concludes that effective SCM practices contribute to improved financial performance, customer satisfaction, and competitive advantage. Recommendations include embracing innovation, fostering collaboration, and investing in talent development. Overall, the study underscores the strategic significance of SCM in driving organizational success and calls for continued research and innovation in the field.


Supply Chain Management, Firm Performance, Operational Efficiency, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Risk Management, Collaboration, Technology Adoption, Comparative Analysis, Case Studies, Qualitative Interviews.


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Supply Chain Management Practices and Their Impact on Firm Performance. Dr. Chandra Prakash Kulshreshtha, Dr. (Smt.) Anita Modi. 2016. IJIRCT, Volume 2, Issue 1. Pages 26-34.

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