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Contribution of Village Economy in National GDP


Arti Thakur


Rural development refers to the process of improving the standard of living and economic security of rural communities. According to the 2011 Census, villages house 68.84% of the population. The sluggishness of the rural sector would be a substantial impediment to the overall development of the economy. Rural development in India has undergone a variety of changes in terms of emphasis, methodology, tactics, and projects over the years. India is an agricultural country, with rural areas employing 70% of the labour and housing two-thirds of the population. Agriculture and allied goods provide a living for more than half a billion Indians. Agriculture has made a significant contribution to India's GDP growth. India's rural ecology is vast and expanding rapidly. In 2019-2020, the rural economy provided about half of the nation's total GDP and employs 350 million people (68% of the total workforce). The rural ecosystem has grown by 10% per year (p.a.) during the last five years, and there is still plenty of space for expansion. In this study, we will look at the contribution of the village economy to national GDP.


Contribution, Village, Economy, National GDP, Rural Ecosystem, Agriculture, Agro-Processing, Government Schemes


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Contribution of Village Economy in National GDP. Arti Thakur. 2015. IJIRCT, Volume 1, Issue 1. Pages 139-146.

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