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Effect of Environmental Factors on Personality Development


Neelu Varma


Environmental variables are thought to be extremely important in influencing the personality traits and living conditions of individuals. These elements must be updated on a frequent basis. Individuals from all jobs, communities, categories, and origins must emphasise characteristics that foster a pleasant, social, and clean environment in their homes and other settings. These include educational institutions, training centres, workplaces, religious sites, public spaces, and natural environmental factors. Environmental impact research appears to be intriguing because people may change this aspect. Humans, in particular, can alter the influence of environmental elements such as family, peers, formal education, work, religion, and community. The Effect of Environmental Factors on Personality Development will be discussed in this study.


Environmental Factors, Personality Development, Characteristics, Psychological Events, Social Acceptance, Social Deprivation, Educational Factors, Family Determinants, Cultural Factors, Home Environment.


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Effect of Environmental Factors on Personality Development. Neelu Varma. 2015. IJIRCT, Volume 1, Issue 1. Pages 131-138.

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