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QR Codes in ESL Classroom Learning


Farah Shalin Binti Amanah, Dr. Melor Md Yunus


These days times have evolved, changed and we now have a new breed of learning technologists. Thus, this is just the beginning because technologies have begun to change everything namely the way that English is learned in the classroom, even bigger changes seem to be taking place outside it. However, the development of information and technology has brought plenty of changes to the educational field. Hence, the existence of smart phones is particularly playing a huge role in shaping learning methods towards ESL learners. In addition, traditional learning materials yield attractive, motivating and technologically enhanced learning materials. So, the QR (Quick Response) Codes are one of these innovations. The aim of this case study was to explore the Quick Response (QR) codes in ESL classroom learning. In this intervention, English as Second Language (ESL) learners was chosen are from UITM, Rembau, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. Survey questionnaire were used as data gathering method.

The findings indicated that students showed positive respond and improvement in classroom learning environment after the intervention of QR codes was implemented and agreed to use QR codes as one of the teaching tools in enhancing the students’ interests in learning. The QR problems encouraged the pupils to persevere with the problems, an effect which led to good learning outcomes.


Keywords— QR codes,ESL, innovations.


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QR Codes in ESL Classroom Learning. Farah Shalin Binti Amanah, Dr. Melor Md Yunus. 2018. IJIRCT, Volume 4, Issue 3. Pages 74-77.

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