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Impact Of Physico-Chemical Parameters On Growth Of Indian Major Carps Cultured In Different Ponds At Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh, India


K. Premchand, G. Usha kiranmai


Water quality is determined by maintaining the optimum levels of variables like temperature, turbidity, carbon dioxide, pH, alkalinity hardness etc. In the present study water quality management principles in fish culture have been reviewed to make aware to fish culturists and environmentalists about the important water quality factors that influence health of a pond and are required in optimum values to increase the fish yields to meet the growing demands of present day scenario of the world. This study will aid fish farmers on the necessary treatment needed to effectively use water from this source for fish farming.


Waterqualityparameters, Fishculture, Indianmajor carps.


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Impact Of Physico-Chemical Parameters On Growth Of Indian Major Carps Cultured In Different Ponds At Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh, India. K. Premchand, G. Usha kiranmai. 2017. IJIRCT, Volume 2, Issue 4. Pages 169-173.

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