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Waste Plastic Separation - A Comparative Feasible Study


Ajim Sutar, Hemant Salunkhe


This paper contains the various scientific techniques adopted in the municipal solid waste management system to separate the waste plastic from municipal solid waste. The municipal solid waste contains variety and mixture of wastes including organic and inorganic wastes, biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes, animal waste, street waste, hazardous waste, etc. There is a need to treat these wastes to reduce their impact on the environment and human beings. The waste needs to be separated and sorted according to their type and nature. The major problem now-a-days is waste plastic which needs to be separated from the municipal solid waste dumps. The waste plastic is firstly separated from the municipal solid waste and further is separated according to the type and nature of the plastic.


Waste plastic, municipal solid waste, separation techniques


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Waste Plastic Separation - A Comparative Feasible Study. Ajim Sutar, Hemant Salunkhe. 2015. IJIRCT, Volume 1, Issue 3. Pages 320-322.

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