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The Role Of Genetics In Disease Susceptibility: A Case-Control Study


Mohammed Saad Nasser Alsenaidi, Rakan Ali Alotruzi, Abdulrahman Khalid bin Abdulwahid, Yahya Saleh Alserhani, Turki Dhaifallah Alrukhaimi


Genetics plays a critical role in disease susceptibility, with variations in genetic composition influencing an individual's likelihood of developing certain conditions. This case-control study aims to investigate the relationship between genetics and disease susceptibility by examining the genetic profiles of individuals with and without a particular disease. By comparing the genetic makeup of these two groups, this study seeks to identify specific genetic markers that may be associated with an increased risk of developing the disease. The findings of this study have the potential to enhance our understanding of the role of genetics in disease susceptibility and may ultimately lead to the development of targeted prevention and treatment strategies.


genetics, disease susceptibility, case-control study, genetic markers, prevention, treatment


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The Role Of Genetics In Disease Susceptibility: A Case-Control Study. Mohammed Saad Nasser Alsenaidi, Rakan Ali Alotruzi, Abdulrahman Khalid bin Abdulwahid, Yahya Saleh Alserhani, Turki Dhaifallah Alrukhaimi. 2023. IJIRCT, Volume 9, Issue 1. Pages 1-3.

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