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The Role of Occupational Therapy in Work Rehabilitation And Return-To-Work Programs


Omar M Alshamri, Yazeed Mahmoud Hasan Timraz, Yousef Sulaiman Aleisa, Ali Mohammed Alashri


Occupational therapy plays a crucial role in work rehabilitation return-to-work programs by helping individuals recover from injuries or disabilities and regain their ability to perform job-related tasks. This essay explores the various methods and strategies used in occupational therapy to facilitate successful return to work, including assessment, intervention, and support services. Occupational therapists work closely with clients, employers, and other healthcare professionals to develop personalized treatment plans that address physical, cognitive, and emotional challenges. By promoting functional independence and addressing barriers to employment, occupational therapy can improve outcomes and help individuals reintegrate into the workforce.


occupational therapy, work rehabilitation, return-to-work programs, assessment, intervention, support services


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The Role of Occupational Therapy in Work Rehabilitation And Return-To-Work Programs. Omar M Alshamri, Yazeed Mahmoud Hasan Timraz, Yousef Sulaiman Aleisa, Ali Mohammed Alashri. 2021. IJIRCT, Volume 7, Issue 1. Pages 1-3.

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