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Business Card Scanner System


Patel Harsh, Patel Romit, Patel Kartik, Patel Harshil, Prof Aditi Mishra


Business Card Scanner System aims to provide an envi- ronment for mobile users to manage their business cards. Func- tions of the Business Card Scanner System include business card data storage, view business card details, search business card data, and exchange business card data with third parties and providing updated information. Several useful features also in- clude in the System such as direct send Email manually or get data anytime anywhere from the database. OCR technology is used to identify and extract text elements from the business card image. This includes details like name, company name, job title, phone numbers, email addresses, and physical addresses. Users can eas- ily search and retrieve contact information from the database us- ing keywords, filters, or other search criteria. One of the primary features of the mobile system is that it supports data added to online database at one fingertip or details added by the user. This feature can help the user to save time and maintain proper accu- rate data. The system will involve Quick Respond (QR) Code tech- nologies as one of the media to exchange or share contact with third parties. The system has a server component to update changes of the contact made by the owner of the cards.


Business Card Scanner, OCR Technology, Online Database, Time-saving, MySQL Database, Email Communication.


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Business Card Scanner System. Patel Harsh, Patel Romit, Patel Kartik, Patel Harshil, Prof Aditi Mishra. 2024. IJIRCT, Volume 10, Issue 2. Pages 1-5.

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