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Synthesis and Characterizations of Polyaniline Thin Films Prepared by Chemical Bath Deposition method


Satish S. Haral, Anil B. Patil, Umesh J. Tupe, Vijay S. Kale


The electrical and optical properties of Polyaniline thin films can vary depending on various factors such as the synthesis method, doping level, film thickness, and processing conditions. Polyaniline is a conductive polymer that can exhibit both metallic and semiconducting properties depending on its oxidation state, doping level, and molecular structure. Chemical Bath Deposition (CBD) is versatile technique and it is used to deposit various materials, such as metal oxides, semiconductors, and thin films for various applications like solar cells, sensors, coatings, and others. The present work is focused on the synthesis and characterization of Polyaniline (PANI) - thin films. The PANI thin films were prepared by the chemical bath deposition method. Thin films were prepared on glass substrate. The electrical and photo luminous properties were studied successfully using standard characterization tools. The resistivity of PANI films was found to be 28.82 × 10 4 Ω.m. It was confirmed that prepared thin films of PANI also shows good electrical, and optical results.


Polyaniline, chemical bath deposition, thin films, resistivity, photo luminous.


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Synthesis and Characterizations of Polyaniline Thin Films Prepared by Chemical Bath Deposition method. Satish S. Haral, Anil B. Patil, Umesh J. Tupe, Vijay S. Kale. 2024. IJIRCT, Volume 10, Issue 1. Pages 1-7.

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