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Synthesis and Applications of Heterocyclic Compounds: A Short Review


Dr. Vinayak Vishram Kadam


In everyday in the life, heterocyclic compounds are used and they are highly fascinating. Heteroatoms can be found in one or more heterocyclic compounds' structural elements. They could have a cyclical or non-cyclic structure. Chemicals classified as heterocyclic have one or more rings containing atoms other than carbon. Neon, oxygen, sulfur, and other elements are examples of these heteroatoms. Medicinal chemistry, materials science, and many other disciplines place great emphasis on the synthesis and uses of heterocyclic molecules. Heterocyclic compounds can be incorporated into polymers to impart specific properties, such as improved conductivity, thermal stability, and mechanical strength. Certain heterocyclic compounds are key components in the development of agrochemicals, helping control pests and enhance crop yields. The development of new synthetic techniques and the emergence of novel applications in a variety of sectors are continuous research endeavors in the dynamic field of heterocyclic compound synthesis and applications. The current review paper is present the recent synthesis techniques and different applications of heterocyclic compounds on the basis of previous work carried out by the researchers.


Heterocyclic compounds, cyclic structure, biochemistry, stability, crop yields


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Synthesis and Applications of Heterocyclic Compounds: A Short Review. Dr. Vinayak Vishram Kadam. 2024. IJIRCT, Volume 10, Issue 1. Pages 1-6.

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