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How eHealth has Contributed to the Improvement of the Service Provided to Patients


Jamaan Mansour Duhaim Aldosari, Mohammed Muflih Ahmed Alsaqr, Moneer Yahya Jaber Wadani, Rami Mohammed Swayid al Shaiban, Talal Abdulkarim Saad Alwarthan, Jubran Hussain Mosa Muyidi, Abdullah Saad Mohammed Alrafeah


With the emergence of e-health, which refers to the integration of technology and health, the services provided to patients have been significantly improved. Using electronic health records, telemedicine, remote patient monitoring, and other digital tools, eHealth is changing the healthcare landscape and improving patient care, access, and useful. One of the major contributions of e-health to improving patient care is to simplify the management of electronic health records (EHRs). EHRs allow healthcare professionals to easily access patient information such as medical history, medications, diagnoses and test results. In addition, e-medicine has given rise to telemedicine, which provides remote medical services to patients. In addition, telemedicine expands access to specialized services because patients can seek expert advice from multiple locations, eliminating geographic barriers and reducing waiting times. Another major contribution of e-health to improving patient care is the emergence of remote patient monitoring (RPM). RPM involves the use of connected devices, such as wearable sensors or mobile devices, to monitor a patient's health. This proactive approach will not only improve patient outcomes but also reduce the burden on hospitals and emergency services. In addition to the advances mentioned above, e-health improves patient care through the integration of digital tools. It reduces wait times to schedule appointments and increases patient satisfaction. In addition, digital health apps and websites provide patients with reliable medical information, self-management strategies, and healthy lifestyle resources. In conclusion, e-health has made a significant contribution to improving the services provided to patients. As technology continues to advance, eHealth will play an ever-increasing role in shaping the future of healthcare and will lead to further advances in patient care.


E-heath, Laboratory, Nursing, Patient Care


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How eHealth has Contributed to the Improvement of the Service Provided to Patients. Jamaan Mansour Duhaim Aldosari, Mohammed Muflih Ahmed Alsaqr, Moneer Yahya Jaber Wadani, Rami Mohammed Swayid al Shaiban, Talal Abdulkarim Saad Alwarthan, Jubran Hussain Mosa Muyidi, Abdullah Saad Mohammed Alrafeah. 2022. IJIRCT, Volume 8, Issue 5. Pages 1-6.

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